Rental Proposal:
30,000 sft. factory shed at Dhaka –Ashulia HW Road, Ashulia, Savar
Land Area: 183 Decimal
Shed Height – Side 17- Middle 25 feet (The height can be increased as reqrd)
There is a beautiful drainage system.
Rent: Tk. 12/= P/sft & Total Tk. 3,60,000/- Package (Fixed & Final)
Contract Period: 05 - 10 Years
Advance: 12 Months (Open to discussion)
Advanced deduction: 6-month rent will be kept as security deposit and which will be adjusted with rent for the last 6 months of the notice period.
IFactory will be renovated by the land owner and tenant according to both parties’ discussions.
At present there are 100 KVA electricity can be used by the tenant and tenant will be responsible to pay all related utility bills. / Electricity will be increase as per requirement with both party discussion.