Tk 3,000
For sale by
Emran Hossin
Stay Alert: Avoid Online Scams
- Never share card details or OTPs, and always verify items in person before payment. Bikroy does not offer a delivery service. Stay vigilant!
1.Arduino nano -2p.
(with -2p cable)
2. ESP 8266(12E)- 1p.
3. Atmega 328p ic -1p.
(With 28 pin ic base - 2p.
and cristal 20mhz 2p
some capasitor 32uf)
4. HC -06 Bluetooth modiul -1p.
5. MPU-6050 - 1p.
6. Motion sensor- 1p.
7. Servo motore - 3p.
8. 28 byj 48 (stepper motor) -2p.
9. 4 chnal Relay modiul - 1p.
10. 5v Relay -1 p.
11. ⚡ bouster step down -1p.
12. 7 sagment display 4 digit -1p.
13. PCB hand Drill - 1p.
14. IR recever -1p.
15. IR remote -1p.
16. Some resistor and jumper cable.