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Business and Industrial items for sale in Barishal Division
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হাইড্রলিক্স প্রেস মেশিন
Dhaka Division, Industry Machinery & ToolsTk 105,0059 hoursWY 24V 25W Shadoless Lamp, Halogen Lamp 24v25w BA15D, Urgent Sell
Rangpur Division, Medical Equipment & SuppliesTk 1,00013 hoursRfl 200 কেজি স্কেল
Dhaka, Other Business & Industry ItemsTk 6,50015 hoursঢেউ টিন
Chattogram Division, Raw Materials & Industrial SuppliesTk 14016 hourshigh cutter machines
Dhaka, Industry Machinery & ToolsTk 8,50016 hoursVernier Caliper
Sylhet Division, Other Business & Industry ItemsTk 45017 hoursDokan মালামাল সহ বিক্রয় করে দিব
Dhaka, Licences, Titles & TendersTk 400,00017 hours