Apartments & Flats for Sale in Barishal Division
Showing 1-25 of 31 adsউত্তরা ৪নাম্বার সেক্টরের পিছনে রেললাইন পারহয়ে দক্ষিন মুখি ফ্ল্যাট।
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3MEMBERDhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 4,800 per sqftউত্তরা ১০ নাম্বার সেক্টর কল্যাণসমিতির পাশে ফ্ল্যাট বিক্রি।
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3MEMBERDhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 5,000 per sqftUrgent flat sale
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 2Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 4,000,000 total price2 daysBijoy rakheen city Spacious 1872 Sq. Ft. North-Facing Apartment
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 18,500,000 total price3 daysAgargaon,New 2500Sqft, South Facing, Ready Apartment,
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 17,500,000 total price3 days১০৫০ স্কয়ার ফিট গেরেজ সহ সেল হবে
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 2Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 65,000,000 total price4 daysফ্ল্যাট বিক্রি
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 7,000 per sqft5 daysReady flat for sale
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 22,500,000 total price5 days1250 SQFT Er Basha Sell Hobe. Gerege o Thakbe
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 2Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 7,200,000 total price5 days1840 sqf used flat sell at Uttara sector 11
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 15,000,000 total price7 days1150 sft full furnished apartment for sale
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3Chattogram, Apartments For SaleTk 6,700,000 total price12 daysOne Luxury old Flat With execellent Feature
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 17,500 per sqft12 daysA full ready flat with cheep rate
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 3Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 5,875,000 total price12 daysApartment for sale
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 2Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 4,500,000 total price20 daysপ্রবাসীর মুখোমুখি দুইটি ফ্ল্যাট বিক্রয়
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 6,600,000 total price22 daysফ্ল্যাট বিক্রি হবে।
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 1Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 1,600,000 total price23 daysReady Flat in Gulshan Lowest Price
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 5Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 31,000,000 total price26 daysApartment For Sell
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 3Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 9,000,000 total price33 daysফ্লাট বিক্রয়
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 2, Bathrooms: 2Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 4,000,000 total price37 daysজরুরী ফ্ল্যাট বিক্রয়
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 5,800 per sqft39 daysFlat for sell
ABBL PlazaBedrooms: 4, Bathrooms: 4Dhaka, Apartments For SaleTk 10,000,000 total price39 days