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Explore our membership plans and unlock a wealth of benefits designed to enhance your online visibilty and accelerate your sales growth!


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Benefits of being a Member

Add more Images to your Ad

Your Own Shop on Bikroy

Track Buyer Interest

Badges: verified seller and member

Free Promo Codes

Ad Analytics

Super Charged Ad Discovery

Re-post your Ads Automatically

Dedicated Customer Support

Build Trust to your Online Shop

Success Stories

Success stories of how ikman helped users expand the business.

Mr. M. Hoque Faishal

Tropical Homes

Through Bikroy we have sold apartments in various locations, also getting many interested buyers. We are satisfied with Bikroy's marketing solutions and services.

Mr. Kamrul Islam

Gadget Shop

Using Bikroy membership to sell in-store as well as online, and a big part of our business success is through Bikroy.

Mr. Bakhtiar Hossain

JME Motors

We have been advertising on Bikroy since our launch in 2017. We have successfully conducted business online through membership.